Extreme sailing - what speed can a sailing yacht reach?

Fans of sailing yachts also relish stories about the dizzying speeds their boats are capable of reaching. How do such boasts translate into reality? We check.

Extreme sailing - what speed can a sailing yacht reach

The stories of yacht owners usually deal with the incredible speeds achieved by their vessels. Believing the words of enthusiasts, one can get the impression that the bolides they praise to the skies even move at the speed of light. The reality, however, can very quickly verify the exuberant imagination and put such stories between the fairy tales - because the laws of physics are merciless and can not be cheated. Let's see how the speed of a sailing yacht presents itself from a professional point of view and, equally importantly, is there even a grain of truth in the stories of yacht enthusiasts?

What is the maximum speed of a yacht?

To begin with, it is worth noting the basic factors that affect the speed of a yacht - these are mass, shape, and, of course, atmospheric conditions. Hydroanalysts were able to prove years ago that when reaching the limit speed, the wave resistance becomes greater as the speed increases, even to its sixth power! In turn, the resistance curve rises more sharply the heavier the yacht. The last elevation of the resistance curves usually arises for the Froude number (Froude number Fr = w/(gL) 0.5). We can calculate the maximum speed of the yacht in knots from the formula - w = 2.41(Lwl) 0.5, where Lwl is the length of the waterline in meters.

Is it possible to exceed the maximum speed?

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible, especially for powerful cruising yachts. However, there is one circumstance conducive to overcoming the barrier, and that is the descent of a sufficiently steep wave slope. The steeper the wave, the greater the gravitational force component adding wind to the sails - literally! In other conditions, the maximum speed can be exceeded only by light racing yachts with sufficient propeller power and multihulls. Currently, there is no shortage of modern racing offshore yachts that are made for fast sailing. To put it laconically - the impossible does not exist, but in most cases, the achievement of the miracle involves special requirements.

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How do yachts differ from each other?

In addition to hull shape and length, a yacht's maximum speed is also affected by its proportions - the ratio of sail to displacement, or displacement to length. According to the laws of physics, a lighter vessel with more modern hull lines requires significantly less propulsion to develop the same speed as a bulky heavy yacht. This thesis is also confirmed by studies conducted by scientists. A great example is the aforementioned offshore racing yachts, which, in addition to a favorable ratio of weight to sail area, are also characterized by hulls that allow them to sail in a slip. This is not to be expected from a so-called "hotelier" and one should not necessarily believe the stories about big yachts sailing at dizzying speeds.


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